Welcome to Avalon Digital. We are a French independent publishing company, active in the domain of digital historical strategy gaming. We work with different development studios who create nice games on PC and Mac platforms. Please click on the stamps below to visit their websites and view their products. You can also visit our Steam franchise page here.

Enquires and Contact

If you are a player, or a developer, please use our Contact form to reach us. We shall be happy to answer you in the fastest of time.

SGS Arena group

We’ve opened a group on Facebook dedicated to SGS multiplayer games : SGS Arena. This will make it easier to find opponents, and to discuss new games and scenarios. It is a private group with a simple free subscription.

Users and clients of the former website

If you have been one of our users and / or client in the previous version of the website, please see our FAQ or email us via our contact form for any question related to your past orders or purchases and recovery of same. Indicate you are a previous user in the contact form. Thanks.

Avalon Digital - Fanatical
Buy on Fanatical
During the Steam Spring sale I bought just about every SGS game. After reading the manual the games are FREAKING FANTASTIC. I backed the French one and this one and can't wait to play them. These games remind me of my youth playing SSI Panzer General. More please.